< MaiKaMahi
I know it has been a long time since I worte but lots of things have been going on. One of my really good friends tried to commit suicide. She is okay now but still depressed, but I think things are beginning to look better for her.

Another thing is that in one of my online communities there has been some problems that I have found myself in the middle of. Online communities are really no big deal, but this one I actually put some of my heart into and so it bothers me that this is happening. The management of the community is angry with me because I was a part of another community that was made to vent frustrations about them. I vented my feelings too, and did it there so that I wouldn't take it into the main community. I didn't want to hurt anyone. They think I am a coward and a backstabber. There is nothing I can do to change their view of me. It's frustrating because even though I may have said things that bother them, I didn't do it because I wanted to hurt them. I had opinions and felt that if I said it in the main community I would get slammed and berated, and as soon as they found out that I had said anything that's exactly what they did. Slammed and berated me. Guess I was right huh? I think that the major misunderstanding is that they seem to think that I was out to destroy them and cause them pain, and that was never my intention. I wanted to vent my feelings in a safe place where I could be heard and understood instead of attacked for my feelings. What I said in there, I said in the heat of the moment, when I was angry and hadn't thought out the entire situation yet. I was just airing frustrations. Since my frustrations were with them, they choose not to give me that one privelage. They would rather I keep it to myself, or talk to them so that they can convince me that I am somehow wrong. The kicker is, that all of the managers have their own little elite community that they use to discuss "community business" so that they can "protect" the community members from any drama going on in there. In that managers community they have talked shit about members behind their backs, and been much more vicious about it. Since they are managers, and they can label it "business" instead of just rants, it's okay for them. I don't think they are "protecting" anyone from anything. Maybe they are "protecting" themselves from looking like the people that they really are. I am not a member of that community anymore, and still they post mean little jabs about me in my absense. They are painting me to be this horrible person, and I am not even in there to defend myself. I have had one of my good friends tell me about the things they are saying, and it breaks my heart. I guess it shouldn't. They don't care about me enough to talk to me to my face.

Anyway, I am done ranting. Now I return you to your usual programming.....

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