< MaiKaMahi
I survived my first night all alone on Tuesday night when Adam had to pull 24 hour duty, and I have another one coming up on the 16th of July. That gives me some time to get the house more in order so it isn't me in a totally empty apartment next time. Tonight he has to go back to work to do some night training, so I may be all alone all night tonight, too. He got to come home at noon today though, so if I go to sleep then I won't even notice that he is gone. It's getting to sleep that will be the problem.

I am waiting for my period.... again. I am due to start today based on my last few of them (or when they would have been had I had them), and I haven't started as of yet, This time there is a really, REALLY, real chance that I could be pregnant, because based on my last period, generally speaking, I was ovulating on the 13th of June, and Adam and I were together on the 13th, and not using any protection. I know, I know.... too much information. This is my diary after all! Haha. If I am it's perfectly okay. We are married and financially stable enough to have a baby. I have no idea if it would be too soon in the relationship, and the marriage, or not. I know that most people would say it is, but maybe it's right for us. We are both excited to start having kids, and want to be parents. It would be nice to enjoy some more time together just the two of us, but if I am pregnant, I am pregnant, and it's a little late now to change the fact! I don't "feel" pregnant, but Amy didn't "feel" pregnant and she was a month along when she found out. She is now 6 weeks and she still doesn't "feel" pregnant. I would like to think that I would be able to tell (don't all girls who have never actually been pregnant. Hehe.) but who knows. Only time, and a pregnancy test, will tell. I am going to wait it out of course, since I am not officially late yet. It is just on my mind since Adam and I haven't exactly been doing the birth control thing. (Yes Gretta, I know..... You are going to beat me when you see me!!!)

Anyway, I am having a good day today just because I got to have Taco Bell for lunch, Adam came home in the middle of the day, and the cable guy will be here in about an hour to hook up cable!! I find happiness in the simple things in life..... food, sex, and TV. Haha. I have been dying here during the day with no TV and no couch!! Now at least I have the TV sitaution solved. We are getting a 25" TV from a girl I know online either today or tomorrow, and we are getting the cable turned on today with all of the basic channels, and all of the movie channels!! I just know that in a week or two I will be complaining about how there is NOTHING on TV. Hehehe.

Well, Adam has to get ready for work, and we are expecting the cable guy soon so I will be off. OH! I just remembered I still have a burrito supreme in the fridge!!! Mmmmmmm...... Yummy........

Before & After

How sweet!
Short update.



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