< MaiKaMahi
I know it has been FOREVER since I updated, but I am still in Phx. Meeting the in-laws wasn't too terribly horrifying, but I am pretty glad that we will be living up in Washington away from everyone. It is overwhelming being around so many people that I don't know ALL THE TIME!! My family absolutely adores Adam already.

Adam got here on the 8th, and we have been completely inseperable ever since. I was never a touchy feely person, but now I am so clingy it amazes everyone.

I adore my father-in-law. He is such a great guy and if Adam grows to be anything like him, I will be a very lucky woman. I am already so lucky I can't believe that this is my life. His step-mom Cindy is bearable, but very annoying. The rest of the family is great.

We are going to leave for WA in a few days, and finally start our life together, I am going to miss Gretta and the kids SO MUCH! It is going to be a very VERY hard transition, but I will have to manage it. I will be crying alot......

Before & After

5 days to go
First day in Washington



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