< MaiKaMahi
It has been over a month since Adam left, and does he have an apartment??? NOOOOOOOO. Does he have a car??? NOOOOOOOOO. Has he gotten my insurance paperwork done??? NOOOOOOO. Am I getting frustrated??? HELL YEAH! I understand that he is busy. I understand that he had to go out in the field for a while. That's fine. But holy hell. I found the stinking apartment, all he had to do was call them up and arrange to pay the deposit through the mail, or go down there and pay it at the office. He told me that he got a loan at the bank for a car, but then all of a sudden he doesn't have a car because he can't get financed. Excuse me if I am a bit confused. Why would you need financing if you already got a loan from the bank?? Am I going bonkers or is that a bit backwards?

Okay, I am done venting. It is hard to be here and want everything to be done, but live too damn far away to do it myself. I know Adam is trying. I know he wants me out there. I know this has to be overwhelming for him. For the last three years that he has been in the Army and out on his own, he has had pretty much every decision, as far as where he lives and stuff, made for him. He hasn't even had a chance to build up his credit at all, which is better than me, who has my credit completely shot to hell at 23 years old. I just wish those few things, a car and an apartment, would come together. I don't care if we have nothing in that apartment but a mattress and a spatula. I don't care if we even have a mattress and a spatula!! I just want to have a place to go and be with my husband. I refuse to live with someone else or wait in a hotel for him to get a place to live.

Okay, now I am REALLY done venting! As for everything else going on with me. Let's see.....

Well, I still haven't had my period. I am either pregnant, but not pregnant enough to show up on normal radar a.k.a. home pregnancy tests, or there is something wrong with me. Whether it's stress or sickness, there is something wrong because you don't just skip a period for no reason. Whatever it is, I just want to know!! If I still haven't had it by the time we get to Phoenix, Gretta has mentioned taking me to a clinic there (hopefully my Tricare will be set up so I can go to a regular doctor) to get a better pregnancy test done.

Normal everyday life is normal and everyday. I still watch the kids Tuesday through Friday while Gretta goes to work. I don't get to spend any real time with Billy since he is usually at school while Gretta is at work, but I do get to spend some time with the girls. Ruby just gets cuter and cuter every day. She talks my ear off, and I can't understand a single, solitary word of it. Angela is a little stinker still, but she is much sweeter and angelic when it is just me and her. I think she is growing into middle child syndrome, or maybe older sister syndrome, very nicely! When she is good, she is very very good, but when she is bad, she is ROTTEN!! Hehehe. I have to say I am getting some really good experience for when I have my own kids, and I realize more every day that I am going to be such a strict mom!!! Maybe it's different with your own kids, and everyone says that until they have their own, but as of now I will be the meanest mom on earth. Haha.

I don't really have anything else to update on. So, 'til next time folks.....

Before & After

I'm a BAD American.
5 days to go



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