< MaiKaMahi
It is weird when Marshall is home. Everything seems so tense around here this last weekend and it's very uncomfortable. I don't know if it is just me or what, but I haven't had a good time. Maybe it is just me stressing over everything else going on with me, and turning little things into big things in my head. I don't know. I am stressing over not hearing from Adam for so damn long, and not having my period STILL, and going to Phoenix, and everything that is supposed to be happening in WA and how I am going to get my stuff up there, and the list goes on....

We went to Logan yesterday so that Gretta could spend some of her birthday money and I was cranky all day. I tried to cheer up and crack a few jokes. I tried doing whatever I thought would make me feel better, but nothing worked. I have no idea what is wrong with me, but I don't like it....

Before & After

Painful memories
I'm a BAD American.



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