< MaiKaMahi
Okay, well I took a pregnancy test, and it said negative. I will take that as true, but I still haven't had my period. I had my period in the first few days of January and February. I don't remember March, but Gretta says I had it early in March, too. Then I had it on the second of April. That pattern would suggest that I am on a monthly schedule, and that I am due to have my next one a week ago! So, I have no idea what's going on but it is starting to bother me.

Anyway, Marshall is home for the weekend, so I got to sleep in today and do NOTHING. It felt SO GOOD. I have been stressing myself out so much lately that all I have wanted to do is to sleep all the time. Today I got to do that! WOO HOO. Hopefully Marshall will find a good local job so that Gretta can stop stressing out, too. I don't want to leave her high and dry, and if they can't work something out I will just have to stay until they can. No biggie. Adam will understand. If he doesn't then I will MAKE him understand. Hehe.

I got to talk to Adam on the phone yesterday. Or was it day before yesterday?? Either way, recently. He is positive that everything will be all set up and ready to go when I move, but I am still doubtful. Probably just because I am not up there doing it, and I don't get to talk to him more than like twice a week to check and see how everything is going. When we go to Phoenix in June I will probably have little to no computer access. That means no talking to my friends, or updating my diary, or anything. Then, when I move to WA we have no idea how long it will take to get a computer set up there either! Adams is freaking out and we have no idea how to ship mine up there, or how long it will take to get it there once we do ship it. Such a pain in the ASS.......

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