< MaiKaMahi
I haven't written in FOREVER. So much is going on. I have no idea where I even left off!

Well, Adam is getting everything ready for my moving up there. He is getting a car this week and we have pretty much decided on these apartments near base. I already know a girl that lives there so that will be fun if we do move in there.

We are going to Phoenix on June 1st. Gretta and I are leaving Idaho on May 31st, and Adam will be there around June 8th. Then I will be going straight to WA with Adam from there. How I am going to get my stuff I have NO CLUE. I am leaving everything up to Adam pretty much, so I hope it turns out well. I have enough to worry about otherwise.

Adam was here mid to late April. I had my last period on APril 2nd. I am still waiting for my next one, You do the math....

Before & After

Catless and sore
Still no .



did you miss?


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