< MaiKaMahi
I AM SO SORE!!! I would have updated yesterday, but I was actually busy all day!!! WEIRD!!!

Gretta and I gardened all morning. She gardened 2 hours longer than me because my lazy ass wouldn't get out of bed, but I was out there for a good three hours and we got the entire garden planted!! Today, I am SO SORE. My shoulders, arms, legs, stomach, back, and neck are all sore. Oh, not to mention my poor blistered hands!!! I swear I lost like 20 lbs out there just sweating!! AND I am sunburnt!! Not nearly as bad as Gretta though. That girl is a tomato and is radiating heat!!! Her POOR NOSE. She is going to be peeling!!!

I am kinda sad about the garden though! I won't be here to see it grow all the way or eat any of it. I was totally looking forward to a garden!! Of course, if I HAD to choose, I would rather be with Adam and just buy some veggies from the store, but it will still make me sad that I don't get to see how it turns out!!!

Did I ever write about how I had to give away my cat??? WELL I HAD TO GIVE AWAY MY CAT!!!! I am soooooooooooo sad!!! Marshall had her on his truck with him so that we didn't get in trouble for having her here and so that he had some company, but his employers got mad and told him no more cat. We still couldn't have her here, and I had no one else to take her, so he gave her to another trucker that wanted a pet. So now I am catless!!! I don't want another pet for a while because I can't deal with losing another one. This was too hard as it is.

Well, it's time to make the kids lunch and get on them about cleaning!! Fun fun......

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