< MaiKaMahi
I don't have much to write about, but I don't want to abandon my diary, so here it goes....

I haven't talked to Adam since he left on Monday. I found out yesterday that his phone line is disconnected, so that explains why! I am not worried. Such is the way with Army life. I know he had to pull a 24 hour shift when he got back, too. If he was as tired as I was when he left, and he had to do a 24 hour shift, I bet he is still sleeping!!!

Yesterday was his birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVE!!!!! I sent him an email, but I guess I should put it in here for good measure seeing as how he can't even get online!!!

LIfe at home is boring as usual. I really hate cleaning right now. I have to force myself to do it everyday. I am just depressed because I had to leave Adam so soon and I haven't gotten to talk to him. I can feel myself slipping back into a state of depression. I hope that this weekend it will go away a little. Maybe having Gretta at home, and going to Logan will help.

Did I ever talk about how great being around Adam 24/7 all weekend was? I know that in the past I wrote about how annoying it was. I was totally freaking out back then, new relationship and all, but of course I didn't see that at the time. Last weekend, besides the fact that it was my wedding was totally different. In fact, every time I am around him it gets better. That may sound weird to some people, me talking about my own husband that way, but most of our time is spent talking online since he is so far away. The actual real life time has been pretty limited. It always takes me a while to get used to being around someone so much, but with Adam it seems to be better already. We are gong to spend the first year of our marriage just getting to know eachother better. Then maybe the second year will be all about just enjoying eachother. Hopefully there will be some kids in there too. Adam is going to be a WONDERFUL father. It is funny to watch him with Billy, Angela, and Ruby. Sometimes you can tell he gets frustrated because they just aren't as mature as he expects them to be. Of course, he really has no frame of reference for how a 6 year old boy, a 4 year old girl, and a 2 year old girl should be acting. He isn't ever around long enough to get used to it. It's going to be so cute to watch him when we have kids. I have a feeling he will be so in awe of every little thing.

Well, my having nothing to say turned into a little tangent, which probably is of no interest to anyone, and when I come back to read it later, I will ask myself "what in the hell was I talking about???" Okay, okay. Shutting up now....

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