< MaiKaMahi
I hate the Army. Okay, so maybe I don't actually hate the Army, but I am super PO'ed at them right now. At his CO in particular. The woman told Adam that he would get a 4 day weekend, and Adam planned to come out here and bought non-refundable plane tickets and everything, and now she is being a biotch and decided to take it all away. She knew he had plane tickets and everything too. And why does he have to work now? Because she decided that it was his turn to pull a 24 hour shift and babysit a phone. Had to be him. UGH! If he can convince her to let him at least have Friday off still, and he can get a plane ticket home for Sunday night, then I can still see him. Otherwise he is going to put in for some leave in May, right around Gretta's birthday. We have huge plans for whenever he does finally get out here, but I am not at liberty to discuss them quite yet. Never know who might pop in here and read this....

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