< MaiKaMahi
Life is great. Adam will be here in a few days, and I am so excited to see him. I recently became manager of a new community on MSN that two of my friends started. The name of the community is Boredum Babes. We have no point other than to have fun. It was supposed to just be girls, but I invited a guy that I know from AOL to join, and I am going to try and get Adam to join too. So far it is a blast!!!

I am a member of two other communities one MSN, too. One of them is Young Military Wives. It was fun at first, but then this bitch joined and started telling everyone how wrong they are all the time, so that one isn't so fun anymore. Just irritating. The other one is called Scotswolf's Den, and technically I am not a member anymore. I left on Tuesday. The Den is becoming a horrible place to be. I was tired of all of the bickering, the threats, the religious intolerance, and dealing with this girl that hates me because Adam loves me. I'm sorry, but how is it my fault that Adam chose to be with me? I have to tell you a little about this girl. She and Adam have been "friends" for a while, and apparently right before I met Adam they were starting to develop a romantic relationship of sorts. After Adam and I got together, I joined the Den because he was so involved in it, and he was an Asst Manager. This girl made it very clear that she didn't want me there and that she didn't like me. At first I was really angry because of her. I just didn't see where she got off hating me because of a situation that Adam put her into by trying to make himself happy. He chose me because he wanted to be with me. That was HIS CHOICE. I tried to be nice to her. I made a specific effort to talk to her in the chatrooms and everything. The thing is, I would have been uncomfortable too if the new girl that the guy I was trying to have a thing with (the girl that he ended a relationship with me for), all of a sudden showed up in the community that I am a part of. If only Adam had been her only boyfriend/love interest, maybe I would sympathize a litle more. She has a boyfriend, that from what I understand she LIVES WITH and has been with for longer than her and Adam ever had a thing going. She was trying to have her cake and eat it too. I spoiled her party. Unintentionally, I might add. Boo freakin Hoo. Get over it. If she could act like an adult, get over the fact that Adam and I are together, and maybe try to get to know ME before she decides I am not worthy of her, then I would think it justified hat she hates me so much. I guess I shouldn't have expected someone who treats the people that foolishly love her like shit, lie to them, cheat on them, and then gets mad when the guy she is cheating with finally decides to get into a relationship that actually has a future, to behave like an adult. Adam and I love eachother. Anyone that hates me for that....well, that's just sad. I didn't intentionally try to steal him away from her just to be mean, to make her mad, or to win some kind of contest. I didn't even know the girl before I met him. I also never expected her to "welcome me with open arms" as she said in an email to Adam. I was HOPING that she would behave like an adult. If I can get past the fact that they had started a romantic involvement in the past, and the fact that she blatently tried to piss me off and torment me by intentionally, and very inappropriately, flirting with Adam in a chatroom right in front of me, then I thought maybe she could get past the fact that I happen to important to him, and ust might make him happy. Especially since she was supposed to be his friend before anything else ever started to happen between them. I thought "real" friends were happy for their friends when they finally found happiness. The only way I can describe her behavior, everything I have seen and heard about her, is juvenile. You would think that a 30 year old woman could act older than 13. As bad as this girl has made Adam feel by being such a rotten "friend", and as ridiculous it is for her to behave the way she does to me, I hold no animosity toward her. More than anything I feel sorry for her, Her life is going to be so much harder than it has to be because she can't be a grown up. That's just too bad....

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