< MaiKaMahi
I missed church today. Bad me. I stayed up until like 5 AM talking to Adam, so I was way too tired by the time 8 AM came around. So, instead of geting my spiritual enrichment at church, I slept the day away. Woo Hoo!! I can't tell you how much I love to sleep. I love the feeling of being asleep. I love dreaming. You know the saying, "Time flies when you're having fun?" Ever notice how time flies when you are asleep?? Coincidence?? I think NOT.

I had a weird dream when I was asleep. too. It was Gretta and I, and in my dream it was the day before we were supposed to go to Phoenix, but I had no idea that tomorrow was the day. I remember trying so hard to wake up and help her pack and get ready to go, but I just couldn't wake myself up enough to do anything. I remember a phone call for me and it was some guy, he had a name in my dream but I can't remember it now, and he was my boyfriend from Phoenix that was calling me because he knew I was going down there the next day. I remember a little bit of the phone conversation, too. It went something like this:

Me: Hello?

Mystery guy: School is out. I was driving around today looking for you.

Me: That's great. I will be there tomorrow.

Mystery guy: I am all ready for your visit...... (Blah blah blah blah....)

Me: So......how are you?

Mystery guy: I want to drive with you and get chicken pot pie.

Me: 0/' Chicken pot, chicken pot, chicken pot piiiiiiiiiiiiiiie. o/'

Okay maybe the chicken pot pie part was an exaggeration, but it WAS pretty strange. I just can't remember ever word of it. I guess in my dream I wasn't engaged to Adam. Hehe. Then I remember driving in the van with Gretta. We hadn't been driving that long when I looked out the window and saw a city that looked just like Phoenix to me. Since we live out in the midle of nowhere, I thought that was really strange and asked her where we were. She told me Zion's Crossing. That is all I remember about my weirdo dream with no point. Am I a freak or what??Well, it is 5 days til Adam gets here. After not having talked to him for a whole 3 weeks, and hardly getting to talk to him at all since he got back from maneuvers, I am very excited about this visit. I feel very different about our relationship and his visits now. I don't exactly know how to describe it, but it feels more normal, instead of like I am in a new relationship. I feel comfortable. I am not nervous or giddy, just excited and impatient. I no longer feel like a school girl who is waiting for her older boyfriend to pick her up for a date. More like a wife waiting for her husband to come home from work. I think that is the best I can do at explaining it. Although that giddy new love feeling is fun, I get easily bored and annoyed with it and want to jump right into the comfortable relationship stage. I love where we are right now. All of the snow has melted except for at the top of the mountains. It got all the way up to 71� in Logan yesterday, and I was actually hot! It has been hella windy, and right now it is hailing and raining big huge raindrops outside. I love all of the stormy weather we have had and the cloudy skies so far this spring. I can tell summer is going to rock....

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