< MaiKaMahi
I feel better today, and I got to talk to Adam last night. Apparently his phone line is all screwed up. What a pain when that is the only way I get to ever talk to him! We did finally start to decide some things, though. He wants to re-enlist in the Army, and he wants to go overseas. His ideal place would either be Italy, or Germany. I would be happy with either one. It would only be for a 2.5 year tour, so if I hated it I wouldn't have to be there for too long. I just think it would be a totally awesome experience to live in Europe! Not many people get to do that. Well, not many people I know have even vacationed there. I am excited that Adam wants to stay in the Army, and that he sees it as as good of an idea as I do. I am glad to see that he is thinking ahead, and sees that the Army offers stability, even if we have to deal with him going out into the field and a military lifestyle to get it. I think that the trade off is worth it....

Before & After

Family crap....again
Chicken Pot Pie



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