< MaiKaMahi
This morning I was up at 5 AM, in the bathroom, trying not to puke. I woke up sick again! I feel better now, but when I woke up at 5 AM I felt chills really bad (like when you have a fever), I was clammy, and I was soooooo nauseated. Thankfully, after about a half hour, I felt well enough to go back to sleep, and when I woke up I felt better. If I get sick again, I am going to be upset. I still don't know why I was sick the last time! I am starting to get worried that maybe there is something wrong since I can't seem to get better. I have felt better since a few days after Easter, but not totally back to normal because I just can't eat most of the time. Anyone who knows me, knows that just isn't normal. I am the kind of person who never really eats a big meal, but I will snack all day long. Right now I am lucky to eat once a day. I better lose some weight because of all of this or I will be pissed that all of this sickness was for nothing!!!

I have been emailing back and forth with Cindy, Adam's step-mom. She seems like a nice enough lady, but you know that when your fiance's parents are emailing you asking things about you, they are worried about the kind of girl he might have gotten himself mixed up with. I am trying my best to make a good impression, and so far I think I am doing pretty well. At least I HOPE I am doing pretty well. I want to get along with Adam's family, since I know that it's almost impossible to get along with most of mine. The family of his that I already know; his Grandma Ruby, Grandpa Bill, Aunt Sue, Uncle Scott, little cousins, and his sister Mary, not to mention Gretta of course; I get along with great. Especially Gretta!!!! I love all of his family that I have met so far, and all of the ones that live up here in Weston I considered my family before I ever even met Adam. They have taken me in as a part of the family, and even if I wasn't going to marry Adam, they would still treat me that way. They just see us getting married as an added bonus!! Truthfully, I do, too. I love Adam to death, but his family was a major reason why I decided to marry him along with the fact that I love him. There isn't a family that I would rather marry into. I think Adam is the added bonus to his family. :o)

I talked to my cousin last night, and found out that he can't come to my wedding. I also found out that his family, my aunt and uncle and cousins, plan to be in Cali on my wedding day. Somehow, I knew they wouldn't go out of their way to come to my wedding. It upsets me, because Adam's family would do that for me, but my own family won't. How sad is that? I think that my Aunt C, and my sister, will be the only ones who make a real effort to come up here to Idaho to see me get married. None of my other family except for Marsha and MItchell have even attempted to call me since I moved, and I have been here for almost 5 months. As far as I know, they haven't even asked anyone who has talked to me how I am doing. I bet as soon as I am in Phoenix, they will want to meet Adam, and will be more than willing to clear their schedules and pick him apart. Then I will have to hear what everyone said after I left about him, and me, from my Aunt or my sister. I bet they will even talk to eachother about how I still loook the same and my move couldn't be that good for me since it doesn't look like I lost any weight. UGH! I think I will go out there and brag about the 25, hopefully more by then, lbs that I have lost since I moved. I hate that I even care what they think. I shouldn't feel like I have to prove that I am as good as my own family. I think that being married to the military will be a good thing for me because I will know that my life is stable, and I will be married to someone whose job I am so proud of. Screw my family!! Haha.

Tonight is slumber party night!!! I didn't get to talk to Adam last night, and since I will be watching movies with the girls tonight I probably won't get to talk to him again. At least it is only 9 days until I get to see him.....

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