< MaiKaMahi
I love shopping. I babysat last night, so I made $24. Since I never have money, so I felt practically rich with my mere $24. We went to Logan, and no trip to Logan is complete without a stop at the neighborhood Wal-Mart, too. So, I finally got myself a pair of new jeans. All of my other jeans are so old that they are falling apart, or they are just too big for me to wear anymore. I also bought myself this tank bra that is supposed to look like a corset. It is black and just like a tank top but cut to be worn as a bra. Super cute!!! I am a little too well endowed to actually just wear it instead of a regular bra, but Adam will love it! I just got it for show anyway, not because it offers me any kind of support. Haha.

Daylight savings started today, and it has thrown me all out of whack. It is after 8 pm right now, and the sun is just barely starting to set. It is going to drive me mad having the kids up late because it isn't dark outside yet. Right now they are wired for sound, and are thinking it is only like 6 pm because it is still so light outside. Even if they get tired, their bodies tell them that it isn't late enough to go to bed since it is still light, and their adrenaline kicks in. Ruby just barely woke up from her nap, too. No telling how late she will be up! Daylight savings makes NO SENSE TO ME whatsoever. Ugh! I miss Arizona right now.

LaNette has officially found someone else to watch her spawn of Satan, evil, bratty, disrespectful, loud, obnoxious, rude, messy, greedy, bossy, inconsiderate, mannerless, perverted, deficating, monsterous, UGLY, competitive, sneaky, lying, smart mouthed, annoying, conniving hellians disguised as children, so that Gretta doesn't have to anymore. I have only two words to say about it.....THANK GOD!!! Maybe I should add a PRAISE THE LORD, and a HALLELUJAH for good measure....AMEN!

I have decided that I hate Easter. I hate Halloween, too. And I hate Christmas. Oh, and I also hate birthday parties. I hate any occasion that justifies giving kids candy, and they seem to happen one, after another, after another, after another...... I hate candy. My kids are going to be lucky if I EVER buy them candy. Candy is of the devil. It causes fighting, and hyperactivity, and makes kids into little thieving maniacs. I am sure that I will bring my kids over to Aunt Gretta's house, and she will hop them up on every type of candy imaginable, and when she returns them I will have to hear about how much they want candy until I go so crazy that I either give in and buy them some just so that I can stuff their mouths so full of it that they can't speak, or I drive by Gretta's house at about 5 miles an hour and push them out of the moving car, then speed away screaming, "You did this, you get to deal with it! Call me when you have weened them!" I HATE CANDY.....

Before & After

My take on Alcoholism
Family crap....again



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