< MaiKaMahi
I just read an article in Jane magazine that shocked me. The title of it is "She spewed so hard it went sliding down the bar". It was an interview with a girl and her friends about their drinking habits. I can't believe that drinking has become so normal that it is okay to become completely shit faced three or four nights a week and it is no big deal. I'm sorry, but vomiting and blacking out constantly is not my idea of a good time, or socially mature behavior. They all just kept talking about how they don't have problems because they went a whole week once without drinking, before they spent the next 8 months drinking because they couldn't find a job. Of course the fact that they got fired from the last job because they came to work hung over and couldn't even perform basic duties, and the fact that they probably hadn't been on a job interview in 8 months since it cuts into their partying time, has NOTHING to do with why they can't find a job and just HAVE to relieved the stress and fill their time with getting so sloshed they can't remember how that pair of underwear got into their jacket pocket the night before. Unbefreakinlievable.....

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