< MaiKaMahi
Adam came back early!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got to talk to him last night. I was so happy I cried!!! I also feel completely normal today except for a rumbling tummy, so I know it was because of him that I was sick! How intense is that?

So, anyway, Adam wants to move up the wedding. We are talking August now, and whatever date we end up on will be THE DATE. No more changes. We did decide on Idaho, and already know where to get a license and how much it will cost. We also know where we are going to have the ceremony and who we are going to ask to marry us. As soon as we decide on a date and talk to the bishop, we are going to have to get invitations. I have a few people to let know about the change, too, so they can arrange their schedules. I am pretty happy about moving it up though. Now if we can actually get everything done.....

Before & After

The Littlest Angel
My take on Alcoholism



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