< MaiKaMahi
Tonight is the first night I got to play mommy with the kids while Gretta goes to work, and I am so glad I got to!!! Angela said the cutest prayer when I tucked her in for bed. It went something like this....

"Dear Heavely Father, Thank you for this day. Father, I am sorry that I kick and I hit. Sometimes I lie and that makes you and Jesus sad and I'm sorry. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen"

Tell me that isn't worth all of the grief that girl causes!! I wanted to cry she was being so sweet.

I finally feel halfway normal!!! It feels SO GOOD to not notice just how sick you feel as soon as you wake up, and to not have to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom because you are scared you are going to be sick. Now all I have to worry about is getting through the next two days until I can talk to Adam again. I am so pathetic!!! Haha. I never thought I would be the girl that can't wait to talk to the guy again. I was supposed to be the girl that had the guy feeling that way! Instead, here I am the one making myself SICK over a guy!!! It isn't that I was even pining and consciously crying over him. I knew where he was, what he was doing, and when I would talk to him again. I don't feel depressed, but my body seems to be telling me that I am!!! At least it is over Adam. He is worth the bullshit, no matter how sick I am....

Before & After

Adam is back!!!!!!!!!!!!



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