< MaiKaMahi
Today is Billy's birthday, and we have a mob of little kids coming over in less than an hour. Can you say disaster??? I can just see someone having an accident, or throwing up, or fighting, or bleeding, or something else that little kids tend to do ALOT of, even though you never want them to. We are expecting about 10 kids to show up ranging from ages 5 all the way up to 10. Most of them, of course, will be 5 or 6. Gretta plans to hop them up on sugar first, before the sugar really circulates and gets them bouncing off of the walls too much, play pin the tail on the donkey inside. When the sugar finally starts to take effect, we will haul them all outside to violently smack around a paper mache Pikachu, then make them run around like the lunatics they are in a game of duck-duck-goose. Hopefully by then it will be 5:30pm and all of the little monsters can be taken home, by Marshall of course, and we can head out to pick up our own little monster from Brigham City!!! Kelsey is staying the weekend!!!! It is going to be a total blast having her here. As long as there is no painting of faces with any kind of condiment or mascara product, of course. I haven't done the slumber party thing with anyone younger than me in ages. Kelsey is probably pretty tame compared to my satanic 14 year old little sister anyway. She is bringing 'Saving Private Ryan' for us to watch. too. I LOVE that movie. I know it is all blood and guts, gore and death, but that movie really touches me. I have a feeling it might be a little harder to watch seeing as how my fiancee is in the Army, but I know it will have more importance to me for the very same reason now. I never in my life appreciated the military and what they do until I saw that movie. It really makes it all hit home.

Well, that is all I can divulge for now, but I will write some more after the party!!!!


Those kids are INSANCE!!!! I am never having kids!! Haha. There was this one kid that was just scary. His name is Riley, and after they were done with the pinata, Gretta told them to beat it up and then she would throw it away. So, the kids were taking turns whacking it with a baseball bat. The other three boys that were hitting it got bored with it pretty fast and started playing with something else, but that kid RIley just went to town with that pinata with the most determined, EVIL look on his little 6 year old face. It was like Chucky!!!! Finally when the thing went flying off in two pieces, he got all of a sudden totally calm and walked back into the house saying "I just wanted to break it in half." Can you say homocidal tendancies???? I bet his psychologist will be in a few years!!

Anyway, the party was insane but fun. I can't say I wasn't glad to see they kids go, and it gave me new perspective on having my own kids. I know that although I am terrified of mobs of children now, especially ones with HALF MY GENES, I know I will want kids later. Of course. It is me, afterall.

Well, we went and picked up Kelsey after the party. She is totally fun ot have around. She is super easy to pick on, and you better believe that Gretta takes full advantge of that fact. It is hilarious to watch them go back and forth. I could feel the love......

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