< MaiKaMahi
I have the weirdest dreams. Last night I dreamed about speed. I was at a house with a girl that I know from online, her mom, some guy I didn't recognize, and her little brother who happened to be Mini Me's son on Austin Powers!!! We were all sitting around doing drugs, and I remember getting back all of the old feelings that I had while I was doing speed about how much I wanted it and everything. ACK! Users nightmare. It was horrible, and I am glad I didn't wake up feeling that way. I just woke up remembering that I felt that way in my dream.

I think I am going to move the wedding back up to Weston. It is too hard to plan a wedding in Phoenix, all the way from up here in Idaho, with no help from anyone down there. I was looking at the church on Sunday and I decided that the Relief Society room is very pretty and would be nice for a wedding ceremony. Plus the cultural hall is huge, and I know my bishop would love to marry us. We also have a staircase in the church with a prety molded metal rail that would be really neat to take pictures on. We could also have the reception at the Grill, if Scott and Sue still own it by then. So, I think that the wedding will be up here in Weston, and we can just have a reception in Phoenix for everyone that couldn't come up here to Idaho. Of course, we will have to just plan it at a restaurant and book it in advance. I hope my family can handle THAT at least. I hope Adam doesn't mind, and that no one bought non-refundable plane tickets already, but I just can't do it myself from here. It will be alot cheaper to do it up here, too, and I am very, very, VERY low on cash, and still will be after I get my inheritance money. Whenever that happens.....

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Feeling depressed
Billy's Birthday



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