< MaiKaMahi
Well, I think we have a date. So far we have agreed on October 21st. At first he didn't want it, but after he signed off and then got back online he all of a sudden wanted it. I have no idea what caused the change of heart, but it was my favorite date by far, so I am happy. I left it completely open to him to change the date if he wants to, but as of right now, it is October 21st. So, now that we have a date we can get started on planning other stuff. That reminds me, I have to call my family! OKay, now you didn't notice the difference, but I called them. Haha.

Well, things are going better (or worse depending on who you are) in my family finally. Marsha and Mitchell finally moved out of my grandparents house. So now it is just my aunt and my cousin there. Instead of supporting herself, Marsha, Mitchell, their daughter Rene, AND my cousin, my aunt is just supporting herself, and my cousin. Only one bum still there. Marsha and Mitchell, on the other hand, are living in a hotel full of crackheads and prostitutes. Marsha and Mitchell I could really care less about. If they aren't willing to quit their $200 a month smoking habit, and save their money, instead of blowing it all so that they can have a decent place to live. That's on them. With Mitchell's disability checks, and Marsha's income from her job, they could easily afford an aparment in a decent part of town. Rene, on the other hand, I feel sorry for. The girl is only 14 years old, and now she is living out of a hotel. Imagine how traumatizing that must be. That girl has been shipped around and forced to live in bad neighborhoods all her life, just because Marsha and Mitchell were always too lazy to get a job, keep a job, or put her before their bad habits. I will give them credit for quitting drugs, but their lifestyle hasn't changed a bit since they quit. You would think they would put their daughter first. She has grown up with emotional problems, and has a learning disability. Her biological mother went to jail for stabbing Mitchell, and then after she got out of jail she took off with her sister Shannon, and never tried to contact her or Shevin. She also had to deal with growing up around drugs her entire life. I don't understand why a parent would rather sit on their lazy ass, or refuse to quit their smoking habit, or whatever, over making sure that their child has a place to call home where they aren't terrified to sit next to a window. I always hoped that maybe she was too young to really remember everything they have put her through, or not done for her, but unfortunately she remembers all of it. She resents them so much, and they are oblivious to how much their lack of caring has affected her. She won't say anything to them, and why should she? She is convinced they don't care anyway. It breaks my heart when she is upset, and I go to talk her through it, and she cries to me about how it doesn't matter what she does because her own father and the woman who raised her from 2 years old don't care about her anyway. The thing is, I know they love her. She isn't Marsha's biological daughter, and yet Marsha has stuck around through all of the problems. She was there for Mitchell's daughters more than she was ever there for her own two daughters. Mitchell absolutely adores all three of his daughter. It is just sheer laziness, and they refuse to accept the fact that it isn't just hard times or bad luck. No way it could possibly be their fault. They love her and do the best for her. (Note the sarcasm?) Uh huh. Whatever. They are setting a horrible example for her, too. She thinks that you can just steal or con people to get what you want. She has no idea what it is like to work for a living and earn money. She has already been caught stealing from every member of our family, and $100 from a school fundraiser when she was in 6th grade. The school decided to press charges, but since Marsha talked them out of it, she didn't get in any real trouble. Bad idea. Now she thinks she can get away with anything. She is selfish. Gee, I wonder where she learned that??? Could it be from the parents that would rather sit at home and spend the little bit of money they would get from unemployment or whatever wheeling and dealing they would do on themselves, instead of making sure their children lived in a safe place and had a halfway normal life????? Hmmm......

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