< MaiKaMahi
I don't have much to write about, so I will bore you with the details of my day. I got up late, like I always do, and proceeded to sit on my ass all day. WOO HOO! Talk about fun. Then Marshall came home and I got online. I told one of my friends about how his parents are going to be visiting tomorrow, and won't leaving until Sunday, and how I am really not looking forward to hanging out here while they are here. So, she invited me to go down to SLC for the weekend and stay with her. Isn't she a sweetie?!?!?! So, I only have to put up with them for a day, since my friend can't get me until Friday. Poor Gretta has to deal with the dreaded in-laws all weekend. One thing I am SO GRATEFUL for with Adam is that I already know most of my in-laws. In fact, I have known them since before I ever imagined they would be my in-laws, since before I even met him, and I love them all. In fact, I love them more than I love most of my own family. I know them better than I know most of the people in my own family! I am going to have the best sister-in-law that ever was, too. What's better than having your best friend become your sister-in-law? I always felt like there was a reason I moved up here. I didn't only gain a best friend and an extended family, I am now gaining a husband and the love of my life. I have one word for how I feel about my life right now. Blessed......

Before & After

My mind is racing already
We have a Date (I think)



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