< MaiKaMahi
I don't have much to talk about. I could try and pull something out of my bag of tricks and drone on about it like I actually care, but I won't. My life has consisted of watching the Olympics, sleeping, and waiting for Adam to get here on Friday. Not too exciting. I've been causing some havoc recently, but that's nothing new. I am an evil, evil girl. I read the diary of someone that has been somewhat involved in the lives of my roommate's sister and her boyfriend. At least she was in the not so distant past. The girl was whiney and pathetic, so I signed her guestbook and told her so. I wasn't very nice about it. but when am I ever nice about anything? She deleted the entry, and I can't say I blame her. It probably made her cry. I would feel bad about it, but it was all true! I really can't stand whiney people that complain about how bad their lives are, and do absolutely nothing about it. Even worse are the ones that bring it on themselves, then try to pawn the blame off on someone else. I know I complain alot, but do I ever blame it on anyone else? Hell no. I know my problems are my own and all my fault. When I do bitch and moan I don't bring anyone else into it, and I certainly don't do it so that the entire world see's that I am a pathetic loser. I would never try to get with one of my friend's boyfriends, and then when he strung me along, and then refused to leave her for me, and called me a stalker, then keep bothering him with ridiculous letters and conversations professing my undying love for him. Why in heavens name would you want a guy that doesn't want you back? What kind of an example are you setting for your children if you let men walk all over you and keep you hanging on the side begging for their attention. Anyway, I am done ranting about that sorry excuse for a woman.

Let's see, what else can I babble about...

How about Adam for a bit? I haven't gotten to talk to him for about 4 days. Extremely frustrating. It isn't anyones fault. I think that is why it is so damn frustrating. Last night our phone line was screwed up and we didn't even have a dial tone. It was like that almost all day, and by the time it was fixed, it was already 10pm my time. Once I finally signed on, Adam had been online for hours waiting for me and was so exhausted he had to go to bed. All I had of him was an email apologizing for not talking to me all weekend and telling me that he had signed off about 45 minutes before I could finally get on. UGH! My friend Teri tells me when I get into the chatroom that she had talked to him and he had been on looking for me and was too tired to stay up. Double UGH! Since he has 24 duty on Wednesday, unless I talk to him tonight I probably won't get to at all until he gets here. Triple UGH! I guess I should get used to this, but I don't want to! My friends are great though. When I was in the room complaining about how I never get to talk to Adam anymore, they were all on phonehog.com signing up for free 10 minute phone cards for me so I can call him and talk to him. How sweet is that?? So now I have 50 minutes of free phone card time to use. Yay! Not that I even actually talk to Adam on the phone, but it is nice to know my friends love me. :o)

Gretta and I have been Olympic-a-holics since they started. We only have NBC, not MSNBC or CNBC, so we don't get to see all of the events, but we are watching whenever there is stuff on the one we do have. I realized that I LOVE SNOWBOARD GUYS. (Actually I already knew that, but I just realized how MUCH!) That whole style is soooooo sexy. We drooled over the mens snowboarding event yesterday (Which the americans swept. WOO HOO!). J.J. Thomas, the bronze medalist, and Ross Powers, the gold medalist, are super sexy. The silver medalist, Danny Kass, looks like a 15 year old stoner, so he isn't sexy per say, but his style is. Gretta and I enjoyed watching them, and when I say enjoyed, I really mean we screamed and yelled like catholic school girls at an 'N Sync concert. :oP It was cool to see the whole X-Games/Gravity Games scene at the Olympics, even if I really don't think that snowboarding is much of an Olympic sport. I guess they have to change with the times. I will be really surprised to see skateboardiung, motorcross, rollerblading, or any kind of regular bike stunt events end up at the summer games. That would bring alot more eye candy to the games....

Before & After

Another weird dream....



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