< MaiKaMahi
Adam will be here Friday, and guess what. I start to get sick today! I've been feeling pretty crappy for over a week. I've slept so much in the last 3 days that I should've known that the sickness was coming. Today I finally lost my voice, got a sore throat, developed a headache, and started to feel like I have a chest cold. I was just getting over being sick last time he was here. This time I will be just getting sick. Yeah, just great, wonderful, blah. I do not want to be feeling all achy and gross when I only get 9 days with him. And not even a full 9 days, considering he doesn't get in 'til after 3pm on the first day, and he has to actually leave on the 9th day. Wait, maybe he leaves on the 10th day. Either way, I still don't want to be sick. A good sign is that I've at least been hungry lately. When I start to get really sick, I don't wa to even eat. Hopefully that means I'm not going to get really sick, and not that I just haven't gotten all that sick YET. Only time will tell I guess.

I realized today that I have no nice clothes. When you're a girl, that's a crisis. I have one really nice skirt for church, and a few nice sweaters. Otherwise all of my clothes are years old, and either have holes, or just don't fit anymore. I guess I should be grateful that all of my ill fitting clothes are too big, instead of too small, but still. Every single pair of jeans that I own, except for two pairs that are way too big to even try to wear, have holes in places that there just shouldn't be holes. Not that I own that many pairs of jeans, mind you. I have a few pairs of PJ pants and sweatpants that I wear around the house, but I seriously just don't have one nice normal pair of pants to wear out when we just go to the store or something. I'm sorry, but I am not going to wear a skirt to Wal-Mart. Sweatpants and PJ pants are not an option, either. I look at people funny when they are all decked out in their sunday best in the middle of the pet food isle, or while they are shopping for hemorrhoid cream. I look at them even funnier when they can't even change out of their PJ's to go clothes shopping at Wally World. (Although I guess if you are going to wear them in public, Wal-Mart is the place to go.) Is one pair of normal jeans too much to ask? Now I am beginning to look like those people. Great.....

Before & After

Snowboard Guys
Adam is FINALLY here



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