< MaiKaMahi
It's snowing!!! It hasn't snowed in like a week or maybe more. I haven't been paying enough attention to tell you exactly how long, I just know it has been a while. Gretta really wanted it to snow more before Adam gets here so that we have some fresh, not melted and refrozen into ice, snow on the ground. She really, really, wants him to make her a snowman. I just want to play in the snow with him. Hehe. He gets here in 3 days and like 1 hour. Can you tell I am excited??? I just might have to start with the hourly countdown sonn! Gretta and I are driving to SLC with the girls to get him on Friday. Marshall will be home on Friday, but not in time to go to SLC with us. He will be here Saturday to drive back to SLC when we go to do the whole Temple Square thing and meet a few friends. My friend Pepsi really wants to meet him, too. She says she has to approve before I am allowed to date him. :oP I don't think that will be a problem. She is more like him that I am actually. They are into the same kind of stuff, and both are huge nerds. Haha. Man, I love my friends.

Well, yesterday was an interesting day. I didn't get to write very much because when I finally got online after babysitting until 12:30am for Scott and Sue (Gretta and Adam's aunt and uncle), Adam was still online waiing for me (SO SWEET!!!), so I would rather talk to him than write a big entry in here. The kids drove Gretta absolutely crazy yesterday. I felt bad for her because I could hear her in the living room yelling at them for fighting again, and I was in the bathroom just about to step into the shower and I couldn't go out and help her with the brats. Those kids are too much sometimes. It isn't her kids that are so bad. It is the kids she babysits for, and the combination of the two sets of rugrats when you put them together. The one little girl, Roni, is the only girl in a house of brothers, and you can tell by the way she acts that she has to be tough and fight all the time with her brothers at home. She likes to hit and yell and boss people around, and that girl has more attitude in her 4 year old body than I have ever seen in myself, which is saying ALOT! Angela is a sweetheart, but boy can that girl throw a fit. When she doesn't want to do something, she will NOT do it. She screams bloody murder when she is asked to clean, and Gretta is so patient with her trying to teach her that she has to clean up after herself, and that thrwoing a fit will not get her what she wants. It has to be so tempting to just give up and let Angela have her way jsut to get her to stop screaming. I have to say there is NO WAY I could be that patient with her myself. I think I would bust out the spankings long before the second, third, and even fourth chances that Gretta gives her. I have to admit though, when Angela starts screaming and crying trying to get her way, it is the cutest thing ever. She can go from laughin to crying (tears and all) in half a second flat. I can't help but laugh because she is so adorable!!

I have decided that things with Adam will work out, simply because of the circumstances involved. I have really bad trust issues. When I was a baby, my parents divorced and left my sister and me with my grandparents until at least one of them could get back on their feet (supposed to be for 2 weeks or so), and neither of them every came back to get us. Feeling abandoned will give you a bit of a complex. I have been cheated on, and that right there will give you problems with trusting people. The ex-boyfriend that cheated on me had been trying to get me back, behind his current girlfriends back, for over a year up until right before I moved. Another strike against trust. My own biological mother stole from me. HELLO???? Trust destroyer. I could go on for days about the things that make me such a basket case in the trust department. So, getting involved with a guy that is in the Army, lives so far away, AND that still talks to his ex-girlfriends (one of whom is still in love with him) is going to be a major test for me. I am up for it though!! I finally feel ready to let myself trust someone, and Adam is such a great guy. If I am going to invest myself in anyone, it would definately be him. This next year with him in a different state will be SO HARD for me, especially knowing that he has other girls that have feelings for him that can just IM him anytime, but I think we were brought together right now for a reason. *IF* that makes any sense. :o) I love Adam and that is all that matters.

Ruby is the cutest baby EVER. I just turned around and Ruby and Kyle (the other 1 year old that Gretta babysits for) were on the kitchen floor with their lips to the ground, sucking all of the Pepsi that Kyle just spilt out of a soda can off of the floor!! Ruby even started screaming when Kyle horned in on *HER* puddle of Pepsi!! Kids can be so cute and SO GROSS at the same time.....

Before & After

3 Days And Counting!!!
Worst Day Of My Life



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