< MaiKaMahi
Well, the last few days have been pretty uneventful. I can say without a doubt now that I do NOT understand guys whatsoever. They are so detached sometimes and do not pick up on signals at all. Maybe I am expecting too much. At the same time they can be SO SWEET and caring and loving. I am utterly confused...

I joined the Have Evil Mom diaryring. I think I have more than proven that my mother is about as evil as they come without going to the extreme of trying to kill us or snything. The latest that she has done to completely disgust me is to call me and tell me that my step-sister's baby, Marisol, who Marsha is taking care of while my step-sister Shevin is locked up, was in the hospital a few weeks ago. The way Marsha tells it, Marisol was dehydrated, but it must be a common thing and in no way HER fault. Does anyone else see what is wrong with this picture? If Marsha had actually been taking care of her like you are supposed to take care of a baby, she wouldn't have gotten dehydrated!!! How hard is it to give a baby water?? She is a horrible parent, and if I could take that baby I would. Shevin is just as bad as Marsha. She is completely oblivious to the fact that her baby is deaf because of her drug and alcohol use while she was pregnant. Of course she is a 17 year old emotionally empty criminal so what else can I expect?

Then there is TRICIA. She is my only full blooded sibling, my sister whom I love with ALL MY HEART. We were raised together and I would do anything for her, I just wish I could make her decisions for her too. She is living a life that makes me sick because I know how it ends. She is turning into Marsha and doesn't even realize it. She is with a guy that she has been with for like 5 years, cheated on numerous times, she is a drunk, won't hold a job, and says that she stays with her boyfriend because he takes care of her and she is just "using him" for as long as she can before she lets him go. Is that why she was living in her car with him for the past few months??? Because she is "using him"???? The thing is, Tricia is SO SMART, and was so disgusted by the mistakes Marsha made, that I was hoping she would learn from them, instead of living them as well. I just don't know what to do but let her make them. I just wish she didn't have to.

I don't mean to rant so much, but I get SO FED UP WITH IDIOTIC PEOPLE. Especially when they are related to me......

Before & After

Another New Year
Baby Fever



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