< MaiKaMahi
Christmas Eve is tomorrow. I am so excited, but recent things have made it so that I have something else to look forward to, so I'm not driving myself crazy JUST waiting for christmas. Today at church they had their christmas program and since I am in the choir I had to sit in front of a ward full of people that have no idea who I am. That wasn't even the most uncomfortable part of my day, though. The fact that I made a complete fool of myself before we even walked through the front door made the fact that I was at least SITTING worth it. We were late walking into church, which normally is a bad thing, but today I was very very VERY glad we were. The shoes I was wearing have absolutely NO traction on the bottom of them at all, and the parking lot at the meetinghouse was almost pure ice. BAD COMBINATION!!!!! So, OF COURSE, clumsy me slipped around for about 10 steps then fell flat on my butt in my sunday best. There was only one other family out there when it happened, and I avoided eye contact with any of them because I was just too embarassed. I was laughing my head off at what an idiot I must have looked like, but Gretta seemed concerned that I was okay. Once she saw me laughing she started laughing , too. Surprisingly enough, it is only the second time all winter that I have fallen flat on my ass because of snow or ice. Every other time has been just because I am clumsy!!

Although this christmas will be the best one I have had in years, despite the fact that I am away from my family for the first time, I have something else clouding my vision. Gretta's brother Adam is coming here to visit on the 14th of January. I am completely excited and completely nervous at the same time. I have been hearing stories about him since I moved here, but of course I heard the stories from a "big sister" standpoint. Now that I have talked to him, I see what a wonderful guy he is. He is no longer my best friend's little brother. He never was in the conventional sense anyway. He was always just the little brother that she talked about, ALOT! Now he is this guy that is so incredibly sweet, and loveable, and intelligent. Don't let me forget to mention how adorable he is, too! It started out with Gretta teasing me about finding me a husband for christmas, and jokingly suggesting her brother. The more she talked about it, the better it sounded so I got excited to talk to him myself. After I talked to him online for the first time I was already falling. He seemed to always know exactly what to say. Normally that would scare me, because my ex used to do that to get himself out of trouble, but Adam couldn't see my face since we were talking online, and didn't know me well enough to know what the right things would even be to me. The night after our first conversation, I had a very hard time sleeping. I don't remember any dreams I had, and I don't think that I dreamed about him, simply because I had only seen little kid pictures of him and had no idea what he looked like as an adult. But, all night long I was very restless, and every one of the what seemed like hundreds of times I woke up, he was on my mind. Kinda weird....

I have talked to him a few more times since then, and one night in particular we talked ALL NIGHT LONG!!! I got on the computer to talk to him at around 2am and we didn't say goodbye until we both started to fall asleep at our computers around 10:30am. (Actually Adam was falling asleep, I still had enough extra energy from being so excited to even be talking to him to stay up until 3pm and help clean the house) The evening before that conversation I had finally seen a fairly recent picture of him so I was even more infatuated by then. We talked about everything that we didn't fit in last time, and again he said all of the right things and amazed me with what a truly special person he is. I shouln't be surprised, after all he IS Gretta's brother.....

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Nudist beach



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