< MaiKaMahi
NEENER NEENER GRETTA!!!!! I got online and the computer has run perfectly and I even got into DLand.....HAHAHA!!!

Anyway, I have to talk about Gretta's brother Adam...

Gretta is determined to get us married....to eachother. All I can really say to that is NO PROBLEM! He is a total sweetheart and I get the best feeling talking to him. He seems to understand me already, and I am not ashamed to admit I have a huge crush. He is coming to visit Gretta in January, and I am really really nervous about meeting him just because I don't want to be rejected. I would probably be super depressed if I was rejected by a guy as great as him. Usually I could care less. I just think, Well he doesn't deserve me anyway. A guy like Adam does. ADAM does....

Before & After

Countdown to Temple Square....10, 9......



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