< MaiKaMahi
I got a job yesterday. I didn't have to interview or anything, and it is only like a kinda job, but it pays so I am happy. Gretta's aunt and uncle have hired me to watch their three kids after school until whatever parental makes it home first gets there. The thing about this job is that the kids are great, the parents are great, and the house is a blast. I feel like I should be paying them to hang out there. It is a 4 to 5 day a week thing for like 5 hours a day, so thankfully I will have the money to get Christmas presents for everyone I want to get them for, and I will have enough money to buy a cute jacket I saw that I want. I am starting to get very cold up here too, so I am dying to get a new jacket.

Christmas is finally starting to feel like it is getting close. I usually hate Christmas, but this year I am kinda excited. It will be nice celebrating it with a family other than my own. I have no idea what to get for Gretta, I know what I want to get for Marshall, and I already bought the kids a present. I got them one of those Techno electronic dogs. It is a Techno Newborn, and the thing is ADORABLE. It has a bone and a ball and everything. I figure since they can't have a real dog in the house they will like this one, and they don't have to clean up after, feed, or walk this one either. If I have enough money I am going to just give the dog to Billy, and get Angela and Ruby their own presents, but I want to get for Gretta and Marshall before I do that. Besides, I have NO IDEA what to get for a 3 year old and 1 year old girl. I want to get my cat a scratching post and some of those timy furry fake mice, too. She likes to scratch up furniture and hopefully a scratching post would stop that. I would love to get her one of those ones with the cubby in it that she can hide in.

Oh and before I forget, TOLD YOU I WOULD UPDATE GRETTA!!!! Neener, Neener......

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