< MaiKaMahi
Yesterday (well, technically two days ago) was a very strange day....

It all started out normal enough. We went to Preston for Gretta's cousins baptism and her other cousins singing thing for her school. Went to all of that good family stuff and we planned on going to Logan to do some shopping and cash a check when it really started snowing. It hadn't been snowing for too long so we were still going to go to Logan but we had to go back to the house for a few things. When we finally got to the road we turn onto to go home, the road was icy and Gretta was going too fast to slow down in time to turn. Instead of trying to make a U-turn and possibly end up in a ditch, we decided to take the back road to the house. As I said before, it hadn't been snowing that long. Anyway, we are going down this dirt road that has a good foot and a half to two feet of snow on it. We were doing fine until we hit a snow drift. We tried everything from backing up, to rocking, to pushing that van, but we only succeeded in getting ourselves stuck further so that the van just spun it's wheels and stayed right where it was. Now that wouldn't have been so bad EXCEPT we had 3 kids under 6 with us and we were both wearing 2 inch platforms and the snow was ankle high in the low spots, and twice as high as that everywhere else. We could see the house right in front of us, but we had to go the long way around because there was a valley, electric fences, and barbed wire between us and the house. So we drudged in the snow for what seemed like hours. I carried the baby in my arms and Gretta carried the 3 year old on her shoulders while the 5 year old screamed cried and told his mommy what a bad mommy she was. We walked for what seemed like forever but was actually more like 20 minutes and somewhere between a quarter and half a mile before we saw a 4-wheeler coming our way. The neighbors had decided to go out and play in the snow, and THANK GOD they did. When they rode up all happy and asked us if we were okay, I just looked over and said "NO!" That is all I could get out. I was so out of breath and tired from climbing up that hill with that baby in those HORRIBLE SHOES!!! Gretta explained what happened to them and they were more than happy to take us back to the house. We had to go in two trips, but once we were all there I think we all just sighed a huge sigh o relief. I drew a warm bath for the kids and Gretta went back with the neighbors to try and get the van out of the snow. Apparently, trying to get the van home was just as much of an adventure as we had already had. She got stuck again turning around and had to be pulled out. Then when she finally got onto the highway she hit an icy patch and slid right off the road and ended up with one front tire over the side of the road and had to be pulled from there too. Poor Gretta, who already felt bad for getting stuck in the first place (although it was totally not her fault), was so upset she was crying. I felt bad for her because I knew she blamed herself even though it was completely not her fault. Like she would have gone down that road if she would have known. And then after all of that to get stuck again twice. I felt worse for her than anything.

Getting stuck in the snow and having to walk and actually being scared that you will get sick or even worst case scenario, die, makes you think about a few things. I am so grateful for my friends. I would say my family but right now my friends ARE my family. I am grateful that the people who saved us decided to go out and play in the snow right then. I whine about my weight alot, but I was very grateful that I am built the way I am and that I am not in a wheelchair or aything. If I hadn't been in the shoes I was that really would have been no problem to do in the snow, even with the baby in my arms. I should stop complaining about everything and realize I am not so bad off afterall.....

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Talk About Selfish
Show Me The Money!!!!



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