< MaiKaMahi
For the past few days I have been getting myself all hurt and upset because Steve hadn't been online since Monday, and I assumed he was avoiding me. Today I got the email that made me feel like the biggest bitch in the world for thinking that. I had sent him an email on Sunday that said.....


*I* am what you want....DUH!

Love, Trina

We had just gotten done talking about what we wanted in a mate and I was sad because everything he described was me, except that he kept telling me that he wasn't looking right then because he wanted to be in a position to take care of his future wife before he finds her. Anyway, so I wrote him that mail, and the next day wrote him a mail inviting him to meet up with me at Temple Square on December 27th. Well, early yesterday morning he sent me an email that said that he is sorry he hadn't been online, but his brother died!!!! So now I feel like the most insensitive jerk in the world. Not because I said anything to him, because I didnt. I never would over something silly like him not being online when I was. Just because I though that he would be avoiding me at all. Like I am the center of his world. Silly me. His brother (I am assuming it is a close friend) died on Monday and he emailed me at around 3am on Thursday morning to tell me why he hadn't been online . He was thinking about me enough to even get online and let me know at all. I just didn't happen to get the email until I got online at a little after midnight Friday morning. I feel so bad for him, and I want to tell him that I am here for him if he needs me, but I haven't been able to catch him online. If i don't talk to him tomorrow sometime online, then I am going to go buy a phone card this weekend and call him and make sure he is okay. I know how hard it is to lose someone close to you.

Today (well, yesterday) it snowed all day long and we got close to a foot of snow. In fact, I think it is still snowing now. I went outside and shoveled the driveway and sidewalk for exercise, and let me tell you....If I do that all winter I will be sexy in no time. That was one hell of a workout. It took me about 2 hours to shovel it all, and it was at least 8 inches deep. I was so tired, and so out of breath that I almost threw up! I was very proud of myself for doing it though. I just know I will be HURTING tomorrow.....

Before & After

The Gears Are Turning
Our Mini Adventure



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