< MaiKaMahi
Today Gretta and I started a master plan. We have a meeting of some of our chatroom friends planned for December 27th at Temple Square in Salt Lake City. Yes, most of us are Crazy mormons, although some of us are more mormon than others, and Gretta and I definately qualify as the most crazy. It all started with my friend Sean from Phoenix, who said he was coming up to Utah around Christmas. We decided that we wanted to go to SLC and meet him while he was there since Gretta had never met him in person. It just snowballed from there. Now we are planning on inviting about 10 people total, and I am really the only one who has met more than 2 of them. This should be fun, though. I am hoping that Steven will come so I can FINALLY meet him and find out if I should bother caring about him, or if I am wasting my time. Of course I already care about him, so if I find out he doesn't want to bother I will still care. I just really hope he doesn't come up with some excuse why he can't go on that day. That would be a big disappointment, even though I am terrified to meet him and he knows it. I just figure it will be easier in a big group setting like that. Less pressure.

It is supposed to snow again soon. I haven't found the forecast for this area yet, but SLC expects some this week. I am dying for more snow since the last snow we got is all starting to melt. I found out the other day that the people that Gretta and Marshall rent the house from own all of the land behind it, including a hill that looks PERFECT for sledding down! I swear I will kill myself this winter somehow. IF it isn't me catching pneumonia from being outside freezing my tooshie off, starving myself, or some kind of fatal snowball injury, then it will be me breaking my neck. I am going to have fun doing it, though.

I added all kinds of new stuff to my diary today. Although I know no one but me, Gretta, and occasionally Steven read it, I added a counter. I added a banner to Uncle Bob's diary, too. He has probably never bothered to look at my diary, but I love his anyway. I added a September 11th memorial button, too. I know that usually that kind of stuff is supposed to go at the bottom of the page, but I couldn't get everything centered like I wanted it, and I figured that it was important enough to go at the top. If it doesn't remind anyone else of how precious life is, at least it will remind me......

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Days Like Today Are Why I Moved
Talk About Selfish



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