< MaiKaMahi
Today was the best day so far. It was the second day of snow, and I LOVE the snow. Gretta, the kids, and I had the best time today. We ended up staying home from church for various snow related reasons (didn't want to shovel the walk or freeze in our skirts), and had a snow ball fight instead. I haven't laughed so hard in such a long time. I totally lost my balance and fell flat on my butt, and of course Gretta tried to take advantage and came after me. So, I ended up with a jacket full of snow, she ended up with mini snowball stuck between her glasses and her face, and Billy ended up in the line of fire. I got him right in the face and he just stood there shocked for a second spitting out snow. Then he decided on revenge and took a handful and got me right back in the face. I was laughing so hard I had to roll around in the snow to get away from them because I was too hysterical to get up. Gretta was laughing so hard I though she was gonna pee her pants, too. Days like today make me SO GLAD I moved.....

Before & After

First Snow
The Gears Are Turning



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