< MaiKaMahi
I realized that the entry that I put on Thanksgiving itself wasn't very thankful, so here I am to express my gratitude for the things I do have and stop whining about the things I don't.

As bad as my life must seem to me sometimes, I am SO lucky to be who I am.

I have great friends, a few in particular, and I am so very grateful for them. My best friend in the whole world opened her home to me and made me part of her family when I needed it most. I will never be able to repay her for the kindness she has shown me. I also have another friend, that even though I haven't even ever met him face to face, he is always there for me and always seems to know what to say to me to make me feel better. He knows me better than most of my family, and he doesn't even realize it. Whatever girl snatches him up (and believe me I am trying to be that girl) had better appreciate what a great guy she was lucky enough to get.

In light of all of the recent events in America, how can we not feel lucky to live here? What a blessing to live in a country where we are free enough that even bad things like the WTC and Pentagon terrorist acts can happen, and as a nation we can still rise above it and become even stronger. So many men and women have given their lives for the freedom we have and it is good to know that it wasn't all in vain.

I am constantly bitching about my weight. Today I am thankful that I am chubby. People die of starvation everyday and here I am with more food than I need and extra meat on my bones.

There are so many other things I am thankful for so I just can't name them all, but the one thing that I am most grateful for right now in my life is that I had the privelage of knowing my grandparents. Ever since they died I have realize how precious and short life is. The sacrifices they made to raise me and my sister, and the unconditional love they felt for us still amazes me. They were and always will be the biggest blessing in my life, because without them I wouldn't be who I am.

Thanksgiving time usually doesn't mean anything to me but turkey leftovers for a week and getting stuck doing 4 sinkfulls of dishes. This year being my first year away from home puts a new perspective on things....

Before & After

Gobble, Gobble......Groan, Groan
The Half Job, Steven, and Billy the Kid



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