< MaiKaMahi
Well, so far this week has been full of good and bad news. I will start out with the good news. This weekend coming up I get to go visit a friend of mine in Salt Lake! I am so excited. I have never met her in real life, but we have been talking online for years and years. She is my oldest online friend and I see her as my AOL mom. We recently found out, after talking online for so long, that we have alot of the same struggles in life. I always knew I could talk to her before, but now I know when I do she actually understands what I am talking about because she has been through it.

The bad news is that I found out that my neice, who is only a month and a half old, is deaf. My sister took her to the doctor this past week and they did a hearing test on her and told my sister that she can't hear a thing. Apparently my sister hasn't even blinked about it all. No tears, no worried expressions, no voicing concerns, nothing. She is only 17 and is literally the last person on earth that needed to get pregnant and have a baby. Her whole pregnancy she used that baby as bait for the father. She intentionally refused to take care of herself so that when she went to the doctor and they told her that she was underweight or anemic, she could tell him that it was all his fault. She also lied to him about the cost of the doctor visits, which were free since she is on welfare now, just so she could get him to give her money. She has used that baby to threaten him ever since she was born. I pray to God that she will wisen up a litle bit and realize that she just can't take care of a special needs child and gives the baby up, but I know her and how selfish she is so I doubt that will happen. So all I can do is watch from a distance, worry, and wait......

Before & After

Thigh High in Pumpkin Pie
Drama, Drama, and MORE Drama



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