< MaiKaMahi
Today is day 4 of being smoke free, and today is the first day I actually started to lose my temper with the kids. One of the girls needed to wash her hands, so she went up to the kitchen sink and Gretta asked me to get her some soap, since she was elbow high in pumpkin. I went to the bathroom and got the cute little dial pump soap thing and brought it into the kitchen and put some in her hands. It wasn't until after I had soaped her up that she started whining, saying she wanted to pink dish soap on the counter. I felt myself get really annoyed, and I even snapped at the poor thing! Of COURSE a 3 year old little girl is gonna want the pink soap! I can only attribute my reaction to the no nicotine thing because I am always even tempered and very patient with kids, even though I know that excuse is a total cop out. At least I immediately felt myself get annoyed, and immediately calmed myself down and called myself stupid.

Gretta was the cute housewife today. She decided to make pumpkin pie from scratch since she has 4 huge pumpkins in her living room. Well, apparently it isn't an easy task, and of course I did absolutely nothing to help since cooking is NOT my forte. I figured it is better to stay out of the way than stand over her and ask a million questions about what I can do to help. I just occupied myself with the kids. :o)

There is a sinkful of dishes in there that I must go do to earn my keep around here. When i see Gretta have to wash a dish, sweep, clean up, or anything I feel guilty for not getting up and doing it before she even noticed it there. So off I go to get myself elbow high in the leftover pumpkin dishes.....

Before & After

Steven, Steven, and more Steven
The Good With The Bad



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