< MaiKaMahi
Since my move to Cali will be expensive, I decided to do the responsible "adult" thing and get a real job. It's a job I'll hate with people I'll hate, but I figure I'll only have to last for a few weeks and then I'll have enough money to get my cat her shots, get her on the plane, ship my computer and stereo, and have money to live off of for a few weeks until i get a job there. Money is my ONLY motivation for bothering with a job at all, especially this one. The major problem with this whole genius plan of mine is that the only job I can get without an interview, or any hassle, is one with my mother Marsha. In case you haven't read any of my past entries, my mom is the most annoying person on earth. The woman is loud and obnoxious, she never showers and ALWAYS smells nasty, and she tries to make herself out like mother of the century when in fact, she didn't even raise me. The money I can get from only a few weeks at this job is worth the Marsha hassle factor, though, so I am doing it. The way I see it, it will actually be nice to have her there the first few weeks while i am learning the job, especially since the people there are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much more like her than me. For some ungodly reason they love her there. By the time I get so sick of her and the job that I want to tear my hair out I will be moving anyway! I just hope that my brilliant plan doesn't backfire.......

Before & After

Meeting Jak :o)
Bad Bad Weekend



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