< MaiKaMahi
I went to Sky Harbor airport today to meet an online friend that I ADORE named Mike (a.k.a. JaknySneeb). He is a little old for me, but man if he was younger I would be all over him like white on rice. He cracked me up the whole time. I think my aunt has a little crush on him, too. He was wearing this hilarious tie-dye shirt, very sneebish, and had a smile on his face the entire time. I like his eyes and especially his voice, but shhhhhhh, don't tell anyone I said that. Now that I have met him in person it will be so much easier to hang out with him after I move, too. He is a sweetheart and already wants to take me on a date. I have a feeling the 26 year age difference will turn some heads, but that's okay. I know we are definately going to have a blast together after I move. I am VERY glad i went and met him :o)

Before & After

Coming up on Cali
The job from H-E-Double Hockey Sticks



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