< MaiKaMahi
Well I have been trying to find a dentist today because I have been having pain in my jaw for over 2 weeks and both times I went to the ER they had no idea what was wrong with me. The last ER doc told me I had to go to the dentist to get the right kind of x-rays for that part of my mouth. So here I am with no money and no insurance trying to get a dentist to see me. I know you are thinking what I am thinking...YEAH RIGHT!!! I just can't live with this pain any longer! I just want to curl up in a ball and never wake up! Imagine right below your teeth in your jaw getting a feeling like someone is literally stabbing you in the face, over and over and over. That is what it feels like and it comes on with no warning. No aching before so I can go take a pain pill and avoid the really bad pain. No small pains before the really big ones hit. No warning at all. I can go all day with no sign of anything and even forget about my mouth hurting at all for a while, and then BAM! I can't even stand to move because it hurts so bad. I SWEAR I AM IN HELL!!!!

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A short Intro to ME :o)



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