< MaiKaMahi
Gina, why don't you leave an email address? Or a webpage address? Anything? Why don't you use spell check? Why don't you mind your own business?

Oh, and by the way, insulting people who have different political beliefs as you is not the way to sway them to vote your way. Don't bother telling me that you don't care how I vote, or else you wouldn't have signed my guestbook in the first place telling me to vote for Kerry. Accepting that other people are allowed to have different political beliefs as you, and maybe accepting that Kerry gave Bush the power to go to war so all of his back talk about how he would never have gone to war is meaningless, might help you out a little.

Some people base their votes on more than just a war that BOTH CANDIDATES SUPPORTED. Get over yourself.

Anyway, enough with Gina. LOL. She will get no further recognition until she admits who she is instead of being just another anonymous internet shit talker.

Before & After

Gina, the freak-o guestbook signer.
Gina, Gina, Gina...



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