< MaiKaMahi
Okay, so Adam went to his manager about his school schedule so they could work out his scheduling to accomodate school. Right now he is working maintenance, which is a level 1 job. Bottom of the totem pole. He started there making $7.25 and got a $.40 raise on his eval.

For the last three months he has been cross training in the tire department. Mostly because they would need someone every once in a while to help them with stocking, and since he was always done with his maintenance crap early they thought he would be perfect. He has trained on their other equipment, too, and know how to do just about everything they do in there.

So, when he was talking his manager today about his schedule during school, the manager told him that they don't see how they can keep him in maintenance because the schedules wouldn't be flexible enough in case someone needed time off (and there is one guy with kids who live with his ex so he needs days off at a time to see them for his visitation). So, the manager mentioned moving him to a different department with more people in it, and since the tire department doesn't open early in the morning (and Adam will be going to school in the morning) and Adam has been cross training, a transfer there came up.

The good news is that the tire department is a LEVEL SEVEN!!! He would jump 6 levels, which means his pay would jump either $1.60 or $1.80 an hour!!!! He would be making more than Gretta and she has been working there for almost two years. LOL. Of course, it isn't definite, but the way he was talking it is pretty darn certain. I am so excited and hope with every freakin fiber in my being that it works out that way because we SO NEED the extra money!! I know that everyone there loves Adam and they all totally notice what a hard worker he is, they even talk about him in their meetings, and the tire guys have asked if they could have him for the day before because he was good.

Also, Adam's dad agreed to co-sign a student loan for us while he goes to school. He made Adam agree to a lot of perfectly reasonable requests, like we have to work to pay him back the money we owe him (not a big deal, we would do that anyway), he has to make school a top priority (he BETTER do that anyway), not accept any grade lower than a C (I told him he better get all A's since this is stuff he has a real interest in and already knows a lot about), and he has to support me while I go to school after he graduates (so I have 31 months to figure out what I want to go to school for). He also mentioned to Adam that he wants me to help him with the internet business he wants to start. I am all for it, but I think I will end up needing some mentoring on how to do it. I don't want to screw anything up. LOL. I know I am smart and all, but when it involves your father-in-law's money, you better be a genius. :oP

I have also recently decided I am a Libertarian. I am tired of partisan politics and the closer it gets to election time, the more disgusted I am with Republicans and Democrats. The only other party that seems to reflect my beliefs is the Libertarian party. I'm all about personal responsibility, baby. Although, I think we need Dave Barry for president. Free beer and dodgeball for all. Sounds like a real leader to me!

Auf Wiedersehen!!

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14 lbs and counting!
Gogi the chicken bandit.



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