< MaiKaMahi
Wow, I can't believe it's December already. December 8th at that. It has only snowed here twice (maybe three times) since we got here on the 30th of October. That's just not normal.

So, life is... weird. I am back in Idaho which I love... but feeling bad about myself, which I hate. Poor Adam is sick because he has an abcessed tooth. The kids are driving me crazy, but not because they are misbehaving or anything. They are actually really well behaved. They just NEVER clean up after themselves. I feel more like a housekeeper than a babysitter sometimes.

And the Army. The damn Army. I love it, but I hate it. I can't even get on my groups that much anymore because I keep seeing posts from my friends about how depressed they are with their husbands gone. Man, if I can't even handle it, imagine how they are feeling. And they still haven't paid us our DLA. It better come soon because we need that money right now. Gretta is getting no money from her stinky ass ex-husband this month and we are going to have to cover his ass so she can pay her bills. Ugh. I hate stupid people. So much for what Adam and I wanted to use it for.

I started a diaryring for Solo-Ops members. I have 4 members already. Coolio. Now I have more diaries to read.

Oh, oh. We are FINALLY getting our second phone line this week. Wednesday I will finally be able to get online when ever I want. It doesn't solve the problem of slow ass dial-up, but since we have no times that we are forbidden from tying up the phone line, it won't matter as much how slow it is. Now I will just have to fight with Adam over internet time, instead of with Adam over internet time and Gretta over the phone being tied up.

I finally ordered my exercise bike, too. It won't be here until around New Years, but at least it's all paid for and on it's way. Now maybe I can do something besides sit around here all day. I can sit around here and pedal all day. LOL.

My husband is a weirdo.

Let's see... anything else? I missed my mom's birthday. Adam and I got Mary a year on her website for her birthday and she didn't seem to notice. I can't exactly blame her because we did talk about cancelling it, but we didn't, and she didn't even seem to notice that she still has access to it. Oh well, happy birthday anyway. Um, I am taking a break from Solo-Ops. I get way too into the debate board and I don't like being told I am essentially a bad person for feeling the way I do about certain things. Maybe I should write about that a little more in my other diary.

And that's all for now. I will update again if anything else comes to mind.

Before & After

Ida-pimp, home sweet home.



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