< MaiKaMahi
How do you train men to *not* secretly spend money and hide it from you? Does anyone know? Seriously. Adam went and spent ALL of our grocery money on new boots. ALL OF IT. He says he HAD to do it because it was sprung on him, but I HAVE TO EAT too and that's not a new development. And we are supposed to be going to Portland today. How we are going to pull the gas money for that out of our asses I will never know.

I have threatened so many times to take away the card, and I would always give it back because I didn't want him to be stranded somewhere with no money if he needed it. Little did I know that at the mall without boots was an emergency. And what else do I wake up to? He smoked my last cigarette. I swear to Almight God if he doesn't get his ass up and buy me some more pronto I am going to go in there and beat him bloody. There is no way I am driving all the way to Portland with that man with no nicotine in my system.

Tessa is going completely bonkers right now. I have no idea why, but she is in there playing with something that is making a lot of noise, like a pill bottle or something. She is literally bouncing off of the furniture and I am ready to STRANGLE her.

I need to get over this money thing long enough to get through the weekend. We have always made it before when ADAM made stupid decisions, we can make it now. I think it's his turn to take over the bills. I am so fed up right now I don't give a damn if they are paid. Nothing is in my name, so if he loses the car or the furniture, then oh well. He is fucking himself over. If the phone and internet get cut off or we have no cable... Oh fucking well. I have a DVD player and can sleep all day. Time to write them all down and tell him it's now his job. I think I will leave it up to him to do the grocery shopping too...

Before & After

A whole lot of nothing.
The Average Military Man



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