< MaiKaMahi
Okay, I have nothing interesting going on in my life. Bank account is overdrawn. What else is new? Adam is at work. What else is new? I am bored. What else is new?

My birthday is coming up though. All I want is money. Then I can cover the big fat red negative in my account and maybe, just maybe, finally get these teeth taken out. Pretty sad when all I want for my birthday is dental work. I would really like to get a new TV or an exercise bike like I was planning, but since neither one of those are going to ease the pain of two wisdom teeth ripping into my mouth and decaying causing me extreme pain, they will have to wait.

I have an gyno appointment on the 8th. Every girls idea of super great fun. Maybe I can find out why I haven't been knocked up yet. I just hope the word "infertile" doesn't come up. I would have a serious breakdown.

We are selling the car. Anyone remember that old nasty Pontiac that Adam bought right before I moved up here last year? Well, that thing has been sitting at the barracks broken down and getting moldy for about a year, and someone in his unit finally agreed to buy it. He is selling it for $200. Enough to get my teeth fixed. Yay!

So that's about it. Sorry if I have written about all of that before, but that's all that's going on right now. LOL

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Kung Fu Raelynn
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