< MaiKaMahi
Okay I haven't written in a while so I figure I better get on the ball. Adam went to talk to his 1SG today and he told Adam to talk to his SSG first. Since his SSG is on leave until the 18th we are now waiting to see what she says. No biggie. We will just live normal and he will do everything right until then. Just like he has been doing.

We dipped into the car payment money to pay for some things that Adam needed to get his TA50 all filled up. He had to spend $100, but we get paid again on the 15th and the car payment isn't due til the 17th so we are good. We may have to live off of ramen, but we have done that before so no biggie.

I had to cancel my dentist appointment for tomorrow cuz Adam couldn't get the day off, and my mouth has been hurting so it SUCKS that I had to cancel it. What can I do though? I think it is just bothering me because the one wisdom tooth that isn't grown in all the way is finally growing. That will at least make it $80 cheaper to get extracted. So I guess a little pain will pay off in the long run.

My sleep schedule has been even worse lately. I am staying up all night, til about 10am, and then sleeping until about 8pm. Maybe waking up once in the afternoon. Adam is spending even more time on the computer because I am always asleep when he is home. I need to just stay up all day one day and get back on a normal schedule already.

Well, that's about all that is going on in my not so exciting life.

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