< MaiKaMahi
My Raelynn is gone. I am still kinda numb about it. It's like I am grieving and I refuse to accept that she is really gone. I am grieving in a way, because she has been my rock for the last few months and I can't imagine life without her close by! I sound like I lost a lover or something don't I? LOL

I went with her to pick up her husband at the airport on Tuesday. For those who don't remember, he has been deployed on the USS Carl Vinson for the last 6 or so months. They are the cutest couple I swear!!! I hope Adam and I look that cute together!! Matt is a sweetie pie too. You can tell how much he loves her.

After we got him from the airport we went back to my house and got Adam so we could go out to dinner. Red Lobster bay-bee! Raelynn and I got crab and shrimp and shared with eachother, and I am so bad at cracking crab. I sent more than a few pieces of it flying across the table. LOL. Looks like I will have to get it more often so I can practice more, eh?

After dinner we went to Barnes and Noble and Adam and I got her a going away present. A book about Tarot and a set of Tarot cards. She will have fun with that!! While we were sitting in the Starbucks inside B&N I saw this table of books next to the register so I started looking through them. One of them, called Zobmondo, caught my eye. So I picked it up and started flipping through it. It's one of those game books. It has 404 different "Would you rather..." questions in it, and let me tell you, some of them are RAUNCH. Of course, I had to have it. So, Zobmondo will be my space filler when I have nothing else to say. Haha.

My teeth are killing me again. I have to get one of these puppies removed soon or I have a feeling I will resort to something drastic like raiding the toolbox and extracting it myself. I did have someone suggest AER to me today, and I had never even thought of it before!! Excellent idea!

So that's the scoop. All I do is sleep during the day, stay up all night, and eat alot of ramen since I can't chew anything else. Talk about excitment.

Zobmondo: first installment... (Feel free to answer in my guestbook)

Would you rather... pee out of your nose, or poop out of your ear?

Before & After

Drunken bastards
Started today.



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