< MaiKaMahi
I went out with the girls tonight to the club, and that's the last time I hang out with a bunch of drunks. We had fun at first, and all of the girls but me and a few others were downing drinks like they were going out of style. So, by the end of the night we had a few girls puking. Let me tell ya. I HATE PUKING. I don't mean the normal everybody hates puking kinda hate. I mean, if someone is going to be sick I will do anything to get away from them kinda hate. I can't be around someone that throws up. It makes me uncomfortable and sick. I wish people could either learn their limits, or they wouldn't drink at all. It was fun to go out, but when I wanted to go home and called Adam to come and pick me up, he had been drinking at home too. So not only do I have to put up with drunken bastards at the club, I have to come home to my husband the closet drinker. I shoulda known he would go get some alcohol and drink alone when I left. Asshole. Ugh.

Before & After

Drunken bastards
Zobmondo: Part 1



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