< MaiKaMahi
I am home!!! I went to Idaho for two weeks to visit the in-laws, and I had a good time, but it feels good to be home! Sleep in my own bed and be on my own computer. My house was a disaster when I got here though. My friends cats had pooped and puked everywhere! There is hairballs COVERING my new chair, and I am too nauseous to clean it up. I have SUCH a weak stomach when it comes to puke! Poop too for that matter.

Adam has to get surgery on his hip when he gets home too. His bursitis is acting up so much that he can't run, so it is surgical now. I just hope it doesn't ruin his plans for going to AIT to switch MOS'es. He needs that training to get the job he wants when he gets out.

That's about all for now. I am tired and want to watch some TV. I LOVE YOU GRETTA AND I MISS YOU!

Before & After

USS Lincoln comes home!!!
Useless dribble



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