< MaiKaMahi
Here it is the first anniversary and Adam is still asleep! What a doofus. He could be awake and having sex right now if he would drag his lazy butt outta bed. LOL. It's Easter today too, and I think this will be the first Easter in my life that I haven't done anything Easter-ish. It's all good though. I really wanted to go out for Baskin Robbins today though, and now I am worried they aren't open. Oh well, if they aren't we will just have to get some ice cream and ice cream cones at the store and bring it home. :-D

I think I will give Adam another hour to sleep and then he has to get up! Time to start the anniversary! I want my presents! LOL

Oh, since it is the first anniversary, I have to say how much I love my darling husband. He is truly my world, and I don't know what I would do without him. Even when he is being a punk. :-P

Before & After

Happy Anniversary to me!
First Anniversary!!!!!!



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