< MaiKaMahi
I am extremely irritated right now. There are many reasons why, but there is one particular thing that is sticking out in my mind right now. I have kept quiet about this for a while for fear of who might still read my diary. Recently I have come to the realization that the person I am so afraid of offending and having problems with again, is too self involved to read anyone but herself.

Adam's sister is really hurting him. She only talks to him when she either wants him to read a story of hers, she is bored and wants to small talk (and it is never anything meaningful), she wants to brag about something, or she wants to talk about the website that she is advertising as her own but hasn't paid a penny on. The "How are you doing?"'s are just empty gestures used to start a conversation about something else that she wants, needs, or wants him to do. I know that he is hurt by it. Especially when he called her the other day to tell her that he would be going away for a while. I was sitting next to him while he was talking to her, and not 1 minute after he told her he was leaving, she changed the subject to the website. He said that she didn't seem concerned with him going at all, and she just acted like it was no big deal. He also said that he hopes it's just her way of dealing with it. That's how I know it hurts him. I certainly hope that it's her way of dealing with it too, but based on the last 6 months, somehow I doubt it. I really want to believe that she loves her brother as much as she proclaimed to when we got married, but I am not feeling the love, and neither is Adam. She has borrowed from him, taken from him, expected from him, but never really showed him any concern.

Anyway, I had to get that off my chest. I would go to her and talk to her, but it isn't my job. Anytime I do talk to her we never understand eachother anyway. She assumes it's because I am closed minded and childish, and I just don't have to be insulted when I am trying to help. Especially by someone who doesn't know me. It is up to them to fix. If Adam is bothered, which he is, then he should talk to her before he goes to ease his mind that his sister does actually care about his safety.

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Dodged the bullet again



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